The Mammoth Meatball
Advertising Agency
Antwerp, Belgium
Agency / Creative


1 million species are at threat of extinction, with food production as a substantial driver. 14.5% of all

human-caused global greenhouse gas emissions attribute to meat production. Growing meat

consumption also results in inhumane conditions for animals. While ecological and ethical boundaries

are met, human evolution rages on. By 2050, we'll need two planets to feed our growing population.

At least, without radical and urgent changes.

But alternatives are on the rise. Cultured meat reduces the impact on the environment, is cruelty-free

and can be designed to be preferable in both taste and nutritional value.

Yet Singapore still stands alone in having legally approved cultured meat for commercial sale.

Combined with the meat industry-lobby, a public perception of inability to change, the discourse has

taken shape. With their world-changing innovation, Vow is changing perceptions about cultured

meat and provoking a desire to eat differently.


Vow is on a mission to break the status quo of food by challenging the way we think about how we

produce and consume food and highlighting how cultured meat is cruelty-free and can reduce

environmental impacts.

The woolly mammoth is a symbol of loss and what drastic impact climate change can have. Could this

giant become a beacon of hope for the future of food? The mammoth meatball was created by

starting from the DNA of the extinct woolly mammoth (over 20 billion cells were used to create the


We sparked hope by making the seemingly impossible happen. And turned what is no longer here, into

an icon of today: a meatball. A popular dish for people all over the world who make their own version

of it. Accessible, simple to make and affordable; exactly what we hope for cultured meat products in

the future.