The worlds first live holoportation experience.
Harrison, a ten-year-old boy afflicted with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, recently lost complete use of his legs. He now struggles to travel long distances to see his relatives and get out of the house, stopping him from doing all the things a 10-year old deserves to do.
Squire and DoubleMe approached Alex, Founder of Harrison's Fund with an idea to bridge the distance and hassle of travel, with the help of some futuristic technology.
We took Anthony, Harrison's beloved grandfather to the Holoportal at DoubleMe's hub in Ravensbourne University. Meanwhile, our other team was greeting Harrison at his dad's house in Surrey with the brand new Microsoft Hololens. Once Harrison put the headset on, the future was brought that little bit closer. Harrison's Grandpa was brought to life in 3d space in the living room, before Harrison's eyes.
Everything seen on screen was caught in camera, with no added vfx or post production. We share the experience with Harrison, bringing his family together over 100s of miles.
A glimpse of the future, utilising technologies in ways that connect. Not distance.