The UPS Be Unstoppable Driving Gallery
Advertising Agency
Hamburg, Germany
Agency / Creative
Production Service
Music / Sound

With the slogan "Be Unstoppable" UPS positions itself as a reliable logistics partner at the side of small businesses. After a successful campaign launch in Germany, an attention-grabbing activation should follow to demonstrate and prove how UPS helps small businesses being unstoppable.  

As small businesses do not have large marketing budgets, which makes it difficult for them to generate necessary visibility. And artists suffered from a lack of exhibition opportunities due to the pandemic. UPS combines both sides, giving small businesses the attention and giving artists the opportunity of an unusual exhibition space.  

For the "Be Unstoppable Driving Gallery," 10 artists interpreted 10 sustainable small businesses in their own individual style. Then using the motives to transform 55 UPS package cars into rolling billboards in 10 major German cities. Displaying the small businesses and the artists while the driver delivers packages as usual.  

The driving gallery caught everyone's eye. A QR code led to the campaign page, where the companies and artists were showcased, and their stores were linked. The campaign was supported by digital OOH, social assets and by influencers with a wide reach assigned to each company, who presented both the campaign and the SMBs' products. Which not only provided more visibility, but also made the selected small businesses truly unstoppable.

Over 320Mio impressions + over 60Mio Video views 

- Drove 341K clicks across Meta, TikTok and Twitter 
- Youtube VCR (Video Completion Rate) of Pre-Rolls and Native Videos: 81% 
- Youtube VTR (View through rate (skippable ads): 49% 
All over benchmarks.