Amgen Prolia - Fight the Fracture
Advertising Agency
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Agency / Creative

In partnership with a global award-winning animation studio, we created a metaverse in which we introduced audiences to virtual characters that they could resonate with and took them through a woman’s life journey showing them how certain choices can change our lives. As part of Amgen APAC’s Fight the Fracture initiative, we showed audiences two distinct scenarios to emphasize the importance of making the right choice in minimizing the risk of life-changing fractures due to osteoporosis. 

The campaign garnered record-breaking attention since the launch of the Fight the Fracture initiative in 2019 and even during a global pandemic, we were able to alert millions of women in Singapore about the risks of Osteoporosis.

We achieved more than 20 million impressions, over 2 million views and over 186,000 viewers took action, with almost double the click-through rate to the website compared to the previous year.