The latest heart-racing promo sees Naishuller turn his hand to animation. Working with Gluk’oza Animation and HONK FU Studio in Russia, the film crafts a story of good and bad Juju in a fictional future. Bloody, jealous battles ensue to gain control over wealth as the expressive anime characters fly across the screen wrapped in epic kung fu-style struggles. A sly twist formulating with one unsuspecting kitty acting as the story’s catalyst.
Commenting on working in animation, Director, Ilya Naishuller says: "I've never had the chance to direct animation but have always wanted to. I jumped at the opportunity to expand my horizons on this project. The freedom that animation gives you is incredibly exciting. I decided to stay away from just going crazy with the 'camera' though, and boarded it like I would have done if I was shooting live action. I didn’t want to lose that ‘filmic’ quality and wanted to be able to tell a fairly complex story as clearly as I possibly could."
His third video for the band, Naishuller had creative freedom from the band’s frontman Sergei Snurov. Having a clear intention to avoid illustrating the lyrics, Naishuller explains the film’s narrative rotates around an overarching theme of jealousy:
"It’s great to work with such collaborative musical artists who trust me to let loose on the creative. The song is a humorous deconstruction of everyday jealousy so I based the script on the same premise but, as I always tend to do, I stayed the hell away from illustrating lyrics but rather work within their themes. I had an absolute blast working with and learning from the very talented and driven animation team when it came to bringing it to life."