Frontline - Villains Love Cats
Advertising Agency
São Paulo, Brazil
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

The campaign features a variety of movie villains: mafia bosses, serial killers, powerful criminals, outlaws. In common, they all share a love for cats. At the end, we urge people to adopt a cat before they fall into wrong hands.

The music, “Dueto Buffo de Due Gatti”, is a composition attributed to Gioacchino Rossini but is instead a compilation written in 1825 that draws principally on his 1816 opera Otello. Hubert Hunt claims that the compiler was Robert Lucas de Pearsall. The music was a perfect choice for the film, because it brings all the drama and seriousness of the orchestra and movie scenes, with a hint of comical sarcasm of a couple of singers mimicking cats.

Inspired by the classic movie posters, the photos of the campaign had to communicate a whole story with a click. Lighting, acting, art direction, everything had to work perfectly to convey all the drama of the villains represented by the characters on the photos. The result was a mesmerizing campaign, simple yet sophisticated in every detail.