Every person is different - just like every cancer. The disease affects everyone differently. Individually. There are different worries, fears and problems. Other ways of dealing with it and processing the diagnosis. For every situation and concern, Deutsche Krebshilfe offers help.
To illustrate this elementary message, agency Philipp und Keuntje decided to create a pure text film. Animating the real life questions of different cancer patients brought a sense of urgency to their fears and worries. In keeping with the simplicity of the film, we decided to use nothing but a single piano. To illustrate the individual quotes, we didn’t just play the instrument, we hit, pulled and scraped the strings and got all kinds of noises out of it. This gave the whole spot its eerie, but hopeful atmosphere. Eerie, but hopeful? Sounds impossible, but conveying emotions as specific as that is the true art of scoring.