Department for Transport - Travel Like You Know Them
Production Company
London, UK
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX

Director Ben Murray asks us to treat other road users as if they were our personal friends. 

The campaign is designed to educate people on road etiquette, highlighting that it's wise to treat everyone with respect and avoid road rage. 

We're introduced to Gary, a sales assistant, frazzled dad and a cyclist escaping to work; Lucy the terrible cook and Hazel, her long-suffering partner, who're taking a walk to a local cafe; and Ali a 'man of many talents' as well as a moped rider, all of whom, the VO [supplied by Diane Morgan] tells us, need to be given respect by drivers on the road.

“Comic timing was a big thing," said Murray. "The hard cut to a frazzled dad looking catatonic, for example. That stark reality of being a tired parent that you don’t see very often in advertising, felt funny to me. So, I really leant into this; bags under the eyes, 1000 yard stare, oven up in flames and kids screaming (if you know you know).”