Puerto de Indias - The Unfair Bottle
Advertising Agency
Madrid, Spain
Agency / Creative

In Spain, women are paid 11,9% less than men for the same job. Far from narrowing, the gender pay gap increased in the last year; if the tendency continues, it will take 121 years to achieve real pay equality.

To raise awareness about this problem, Puerto de Indias launched “The most unfair bottle”, with 11,9% less gin but at the same price. A brave, even controversial, gesture to make people get a taste of the injustice female professionals are suffering. 2800 exclusive bottles designed by a woman illustrator where all professionals were represented, and whose profits were destined to the fight for equality.

The results came sooner than expected. One week before the launching of the PR campaign, planned for March 8th, the idea attracted strong media coverage and had huge repercussion in social media.