Samsung S22 x Charles Jeffrey - LOVERBOY
Advertising Agency
London, UK
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

Samsung Loverboy


To celebrate the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy S22 Series, which features enhanced Night Mode, we put designer Charles Jeffrey, pop star Charlie XCX, and game-changing director Matilda Finn together for a fashion film like no other (shot entirely at night, of course).

With live Fashion Weeks struggling to recover to pre-Covid levels, Samsung has partnered with The British Fashion Council to give a platform to king-of-the-night Charles Jeffrey, one of LFW’s brightest up and coming stars in this social campaign.



Samsung was launching the new S22 Galaxy with a feature called Nightography, which is a unique way to photograph and film in low light. 

They also wanted to reach a younger, creatively led female audience, so they brokered a partnership with London Fashion Week. They briefed us to launch the new S22 Night Mode feature in an innovative way to reach a fashion-led audience with authenticity.



To launch the new Galaxy S22 Series, we partnered with fashion’s king of the night, designer Charles Jeffrey and pop star Charlie XCX for a fashion film like no other, shot entirely at night. The dreamy film was inspired by Charles’s Jeffrey clubbing culture and featured an entourage of his friends, as they enter an otherworldly dreamy night and uncloaked its mysteries thanks to Night Mode.  



Cultural Context:

Charles Jeffrey is known in the industry for his elaborate, and whimsical designs inspired by Night Club culture. Known as the King of Night, the partnership felt like a no-brainer when launching a Night Mode phone targeting fashionistas. Poised to be the next Alexander McQueen, we wanted to open new opportunities to one of Fashion’s brightest new stars, in keeping with “Life Opens Up with Galaxy”