Change the Ref - The Lost Class
Production Company
Los Angeles, USA
Agency / Creative

3,044 students did not graduate this year due to gun violence. Change The Ref is making sure these victims are not forgotten, and forced pro-gun legislators and proponents to face the consequences of their policies by creating “The Lost Class.”

This month, a graduation ceremony was held to honor The Lost Class – led by the most unlikely commencement speakers.

David Keene, former president and current board member of the NRA, and John Lott, American economist, political commentator, and gun rights advocate, have spent decades using their power and influence to block background checks and common-sense gun reform, which could have saved thousands of these graduates’ lives. Instead, they walked out onto the stage to find themselves addressing thousands of empty chairs about the bright futures they would never have. 

Both Keene and Lott believed that their speeches were for the graduation ceremony of a local Las Vegas high school, James Madison Academy. Ironically, had the men conducted a proper background check on the school, they would have seen that the school is fake – the creation of Change The Ref, Leo Burnett and Bryan Buckley

While gun violence may have stolen their futures, Change the Ref is making sure members of The Lost Class can still make their voices heard by urging the government to require universal background checks on gun sales.