National Football League - Football is for Everyone
Advertising Agency
Los Angeles, USA
Agency / Creative
Music / Sound

The NFL is more than a source of entertainment, it’s a platform for influencing and creating change within society. When Carl Nassib became the first active NFL player to come out as openly gay the NFL wanted to not only make a show of support, but plant a flag for what they believe: Football is for everyone. For far too long, football has been perceived as being watched and played by only one type of person. However, football is for everyone. And everyone is invited to the game. 

We utilized that insight to drive our work, but realized we couldn’t do it alone. In order to redefine the game to be inclusive of all different types of fans, coaches and players we needed to show our commitment to the LGBTQ+ community. So we partnered with The Trevor Project to elevate their efforts and highlight resources that could save peoples lives. 

Earning $1.5 million in advertising value, the campaign was covered by over 340 media outlets. The film was viewed over 1.8 million times across social media with no paid support.

Most importantly, the LGBTQ+ community was appreciative of our message, including Carl Nassib who personally responded to the film.