The Festival of Animation Berlin, also known as FAB, annually presents the best of recent national and international animated films, focusing on artistic shorts across all styles of animation. The festival is framed by a range of different activities surrounding the art and industry of animation. As Berlin is home to a major animation hub, it is FAB’s long-term goal to establish a major festival exclusive to animation.
Over the year’s Berlin has established itself as a center for underground culture and odd happenings. To promote the festival’s 2020 edition, a creative campaign was developed that celebrates Berlin’s famous eccentric lifestyle, led by the tagline: “In Berlin, only animation beats reality. ”
International illustrators embraced the city’s madness and shared their own vision of “In Berlin,only animation beats reality.”, resulting in a series of vibrant and colourful prints spread across Berlin’s most creative areas and train stations.
The festival registered a 30% increase in attendance in comparison to its previous editions.