Pocari - Find Your Own Way
Advertising Agency
Tokyo, Japan
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

【About the product】Pocari Sweat is a soft drink formulated to restore electrolyte balance and aid rehydration after physical exertion or illness. Introduced in Japan in 1980, it has since gone on to become one of the nation’s top-selling non-alcoholic beverages. Its refreshing citrus flavor has also proved popular overseas, and it is now sold in 20 countries in Asia and the Middle East.【About the production】In producing the “Find Your Own Way” commercial for Pocari Sweat, we wanted to realistically depict the heroine’s struggle and capture a real sense of the physical exertion involved in her headlong run to join her friend. So we built a custom-designed 85-meter-long set of the hallway and courtyard, and equipped it with a flexible floor that was made to actually undulate by staff members standing on either side as the heroine ran the length of the set. The sequence was then filmed by a cameraperson with a Steadicam rig who ran along with the heroine over the entire course.