The most important thing of note about this project, it will be by far, the lowest budget ad campaign that will enter the Immortal Awards this year by quite some distance! We know budgets are being hit hard this year but also combine that with a new-to-market brand in Vitl and it means huge ambitions but limited resource to achieve them. The results: 'FEEL YOUR VITL SELF'
To introduce Vitl to the world and show how good you'll feel with the right supplement support
We used the metaphor of Amelia, our wonderfully talented rollerskater, rolling through life effortlessly with an aura of self-satisfaction that you could also reach by taking Vitl supplements. Along with the product interacting with her (using VFX), so it was clear what the product was; all this against the bold yellow colour of the brand to really stand out in and amongst the many adverts out there at the moment.