Standard Bank of South Africa - #LetsPush
Advertising Agency
Johannesburg, South Africa
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

The brief was to reposition Standard Bank, often regarded as an ‘old man’s bank’, amongst the Youth to gain their interest and consideration.

The world has changed. Young people aren’t waiting for “When I grow up” or when they graduate, they’re finding ways to make it happen. With the many challenges they face, they still remain driven, resilient and focused on fighting for what they believe in.

Young people are done waiting. They’re done letting others speak for them and dictate what’s rightfully theirs. So, we set out to create a campaign that embodies the current mindset of today’s youth. Moving away from the traditional youthful banking comms, we positioned Standard Bank as the bank that supports the youth. Speaking with the youth as opposed to at them. 

The campaign highlights the rich diversity amongst the youth. Celebrates their innovative ways get things done when traditional ways weren’t cutting it. We hero standout individuals while encouraging others to also find their own way. Embodying their attitude of ‘making it happen’ no matter what stands in their way because they’re the generation they’ve been waiting for.