Since launching, the Uber Eats ‘Tonight, I’ll Be Eating…’ platform has established UberEats as the category leader. In 2019 brand awareness jumped to over 90% (higher than KFC and Domino’s), there was an increase of almost 30% in purchase intent after watching the campaign, and UberEats went from third to first in the food delivery category.
We set ourselves a goal, to heighten the fame of the brand by injecting ‘Tonight i’ll Be Eating’ into culture and expanding our demographic to an older audience.
Our creative challenge was to beat the unbelievable success of the year before, which was no easy feat. So we agreed to sponsor it again and up the ante… and we did. It was more surprising, more entertaining, more engaging and more comedic. How did we do it? This year, viewers enjoyed comedic moments beyond the ads and live tennis. No moment was safe from ‘Tonight I’ll be Eating’, with ads masquerading as refreshers, replays, classic moments reels, interviews and graphics.