David vs Goliath is an ad-funded full-length feature film created in collaboration with Grosvenor Casinos' PR agency Stripe Communications. This documentary follows the British heavyweight boxer, David Haye, on his journey into mastering poker over the course of a year. After dominating the boxing scene he looks for his new metaphorical Goliath, the world of professional poker. David is trained by the best in the business, Jeff Kimber, Katie Swift and Joe Beevers, who have won a combined total of more than $4million dollars between them in professional poker tournaments. The full release of this documentary was through Amazon Prime and had global reach.
Colin Offland, our director and CEO of Chief, tells us a bit about what it was like working with David:
“We were really worried as to whether David could master this challenge because initially, he wasn’t even sure if jokers were used! David is a confidence-driven kind of guy and really not used to being the underdog in any circumstance. So to aim high in an event featuring over 9000 players, whilst not out of character, was amazing to witness and a great lesson that inner strength is a powerful tool.”