Bonds - Out Now
Advertising Agency
Melbourne, Australia
Agency / Creative


For LGBTQIA+ youth, coming out can still be difficult. Knowing you’re supported can make all the difference. 



So to launch Bonds’ first ever Pride range, we partnered with queer youth charity Minus18 and transformed the everyday fashion phrase, OUT NOW, into a powerful mechanism of pride and support. Through a vibrant set of posters, OUT NOW featured 55 everyday Aussies from the queer community proudly sharing how long they’d been ‘out now’ for, as a way to help queer youth feel supported to live out and proud.


We proudly shared the posters out in the world – in store fronts and shopping centres across the country, and outdoors as striking street posters. And out there online, the cast shared their coming out stories. During Mardi Gras, we also launched the OUT NOW Exhibition: a repurposed retail store where our portraits were proudly displayed, and where queer revellers from across the world joined in to have their portraits taken. Through Bonds OUT NOW, we turned the fashion space into an inclusive, supportive space for queer youth.