Directed by Aardman’s Gavin Strange, Turtle Journey for Greenpeace tells the heartbreaking story of a turtle family heading home through an ocean that is under increasing pressure from climate change, plastic pollution, oil drilling and overfishing. The film ends with a call to action, urging viewers to sign Greenpeace’s petition calling for a Global Ocean Treaty. So far, the petition has received more than 352k signatures.
Aardman uses its skills in storytelling, humour and creativity to communicate Greenpeace’s urgent message with a mix of CGI and stop-frame animation. Physical puppets were created to portray the turtle family, whilst the underwater environments are detailed in CGI.
Characters in the film are voiced by Academy Award®- winning actors Olivia Colman and Dame Helen Mirren, along with Game of Thrones’ Bella Ramsey, Stranger Things’ David Harbour, Downton Abbey’s Jim Carter, and comedian Ahir Shah.
The film was distributed across social media (organic and paid), in cinemas, and digital displays in selected London Underground stations. The film was covered in mainstream news sites (Daily Mail, ITV News) and creative publications, including The Drum, It’s Nice That and Creative Review. The film has now been viewed over 570k times on YouTube.