#HoldYourBreath is a wake-up call to the European public, a campaign to face a deadly EU policy prior to the European elections. Die PARTEI generously provided us with one of their election commercial slots to air this cause.
The creative idea behind the spirit, music and emotion was to underline the dramatic and riveting event that we see on screen of a young boy who is merely a meter underwater, yet desperately drowning and struggling to hold onto his last breath of life. The one note modulated piece moves through and intertwines with his spirit as it fades away. We then rise up from the depths through the melancholic and true to scene cello piece which lives and breathes with us right up to the surface, and is almost the sound of the figurative angel the comes out of the water and then back in, but still keeps the viewer attached to the harshness and reality that is happening in the Mediterranean today.