National Trust - Find Yourself In Nature
Advertising Agency
Belfast, UK
Agency / Creative

The National Trust Northern Ireland briefed Ardmore to develop a campaign that challenges the perception of the National Trust to get people to connect with its cause and support its work.

The goal of the campaign is to unplug the people and re-connect them with their places and their soul.

“From the place of your earliest memory to a

setting which invokes memories of a loved one, we

all have places that are intensely meaningful to us.”

Places That Make Us. Research Report.

“Consistent with our earlier hypothesis, there is

a deep underlying connection between

people and places, something that can be

triggered by a mere image of the place itself.”

Places That Make Us. Research Report.

The premise behind the idea is that places not only offer escape, but they are also part of our DNA… part of our character.

The idea aims to help us realise this with a mystical creative, etching our faces within the places we love, opening the audience’s imagination…

… and creating the epiphany that you can Find yourself in the places that make us.