Clorox - Junkyard Dishware Collection
Advertising Agency
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Agency / Creative

Clorox Bleach is widely used in Dubai and has been for years. But consumers didn’t really see it’s cleaning power – using it more as a disinfectant. We were briefed to show off the product benefits as a cleaning product in a new and innovative way.

Clorox’s platform is Clean Is The Beginning. What Comes Next is Everything. Our idea was to show this to our target audience in the most exaggerated, unique way possible. We did this by taking something completely discarded – a selection of old baths and sinks found in a junkyard – and turned them into a collection of beautiful plates.

We scoured the rubbish dumps and junkyards of Dubai where we found old abandoned ceramic bathware. We then cleaned them with Clorox Bleach, and cut them into unique plate shapes with a water jet cutter. We commissioned Arab artists to paint the plates in a style that reflected the traditional Arabic pottery of our past. We exhibited the plates at a few of the most famous restaurants in Dubai and also used them to serve the meals for that night, allowing people to experience, rather than just see, our work, proving the power of Clorox Bleach to turn even the most disgusting items into something you’d happily eat off.