Situation: During 2018, the World AIDS Day and the G20 Global Summit took place the same day in Buenos Aires, Argentina. And we knew that the 20 most important people of the world were not going to talk about HIV.
Brief: Our aim was to make HIV a worldwide topic of discussion once again. If the issue remains as a global problem the world will be able to find a way to finally eradicate the virus.
Objectives: Demand the G20 leaders to make HIV become a permanent topic of discussion in future sessions of the G20.
Data insights: There are millions of extremely relevant HIV stats across the world to address the issue, but they are rarely tackled and analyzed in detail. We checked more than 15 sources of both global and local data. We crossed those parameters and turned them into the heart of our campaign.
Innovation: In order to be heard we needed to find a way to unveil HIV the common points among the G20 countries attending the Summit never seen before. Something that would really capture their attention. Therefore, we created a setting-up reflecting the data using the countries’ most representative icons: their flags.
Originality: The information we got was used to transform the different flags into an interactive bar chart. Their masts moved up and down according to each HIV index, generating an immediate impact on the media, the public and exposing the leaders towards the reality of their countries. The action had such an impact across the world that it was decided to include HIV on the final document of the G20. This idea does not only redefine the use of data (since it was the core aspect of a useful and relevant development that achieved a historical result) but it also proves that the intelligent use of information expands the creative horizon of any action.
Other strategy facts:
The World AIDS Day took place the same day as the G20 summit. Instead of fighting against the buzz created around the meeting we decided to take advantage of it. Three months before the launching, a worldwide research on HIV facts began, which included over three thousand documents, reports and official investigations of Universities, Foundations, NGOs and Government agencies. The challenge was to graph and identify each document based on its impact on the countries involved in the G20. Basing on the analysis of data using artificial intelligence software and tools, we identified 12 key indicators on the HIV epidemic that had a direct impact on those 20 nations. The data of each country became the relevant aspect of the setting-up making the flags move accordingly.
The action showed the reality of the different countries in terms of public health and HIV. We exposed them, through a complex setting-up, to Data visualization depicting the lack of action in their countries.