Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance - Firevase
Advertising Agency
Seoul, South Korea
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

In South Korea, over 10,000 residential fires occur every year. Despite a new law requiring all homes to have a fire extinguisher by 2017, 58% of homes still don’t have one. Even if they do have one, Koreans usually don’t take good care of it. They store it in hard to reach places, or forget about it completely. How can we bring the fire extinguisher back within their reach?

The Firevase is an ordinary flower vase that doubles as a fire extinguisher. As a part of a home’s décor, the

Firevase always stays within reach so people can protect themselves in case of a fire by throwing it into the flame. When the Firevase breaks open, potassium carbonate is released and starts a rapid cooling reaction that suppresses oxygen, putting out the fire.

From September 1st to December 31st, 2018, the Firevase was distributed to 100,000 potential insurance customers, and other places nationwide that the government designated as fire-prone areas.(households in the traditional Korean village, traditional markets)

The campaign reached 32M people through various media platforms. 4.1 million customers visited Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance’s website, and brand favorability increased by 83%. As a result of the campaign, 81% of respondents confirmed that they were now more aware of the importance of having a fire extinguisher at home.

Furthermore, the number of homes equipped with a fire extinguisher increased by 8% nationwide, marking a significant change in behavior. This means that 4M Korean people were newly protected from the dangers of fire that could happen in their home.