Mastercard - Crib to Crib
Advertising Agency
Singapore, Singapore
Agency / Creative


Like people everywhere, Indonesians have quickly fallen in love with online shopping. But unlike most people everywhere, most Indonesians pay for their online purchases with cash – either cash on delivery, or bank transfer.

Why not pay with a card? 3 reasons:

1) Credit card penetration in Indonesia is pretty low, around 2%.

2) Around 30% of Indonesians have a debit card – but they think of and refer to these as “ATM cards” – made for withdrawing cash, no more.

3) Until recently, you couldn’t even use your debit card to pay online because for a combination of regulatory and other reasons, that functionality hadn’t been “switched on.”

Now Mastercard has “gone live” online, the brief to us was to excite Indonesians about how using their Mastercard debit card helps them realize more of the convenience potential of online shopping, in order to drive online transactions for Mastercard.


Indonesians are used to, shall we say, less than perfect infrastructure; they willingly deal with a lot, in part with clever workarounds. So it wasn’t Mastercard’s place to point fingers or to ask snarky “why would you do that!?”-type questions.

A better approach? A live demonstration of debit Mastercard’s powers, hosted by and leveraging the social clout of one of Indonesia’s favorite influencers, the multi-talented Tarra Budiman….who as luck would have it was about to become a dad for the first time.

We gave him 3 days to transform the mancave in his house into a nursery – without ever leaving his home, and armed only with his shopping list, his mobile phone and his debit Mastercard. This “Crib to Crib” challenge would take place live on Facebook and Twitter Live. During this transformation, Tarra would demonstrate how easy, safe and convenient Mastercard makes it to shop and pay online.