To make this problem visible we made an audiovisual piece starring Jesus Calleja “Yo tampoco lo sabía”, in which the adventurer, mountaineer and presenter, involved and aware of the importance of this problem launches a message to society of the need to become aware. This piece presents the problem of digital pollution caused by the Internet. It reveals the reality of the cloud and how it works, and more importantly how this accumulation of data on servers in the cloud, is affecting the planet and above all, is affecting us in our mental well-being. An informative and educational piece, which helps to tangibilize the problem. For example, four hours watching videos on the cell phone pollutes the same as a car driving 50 kilometers or that each gigabyte of download consumes 200 liters of water or that every time we receive a notification the stress hormone is activated.
The piece is based on different sources and third-party studies, some of which have been carried out by ING, and is endorsed by different experts in the field. This piece has another function to open the door to the solution. The key is not to abandon technology but to learn good digital habits. Simple measures that can help not only the planet but also the mental well-being of each person. ING presents itself as part of the problem, but also as part of the solution. A solution in which we are all participants and where ING has already begun to do its bit. The company has carried out an internal audit to assess its situation with regard to this issue and has established a roadmap of actions aimed at minimizing its environmental impact and the mental wellbeing of its employees and customers.