What is OKX?
Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound


In the film “What is OKX?”, two familiar friends find themselves sitting at a bar when a bus emblazoned with the unfamiliar OKX logo pulls into frame. Somewhat bored by their idle conversation, they begin the game of brainstorming what this unfamiliar sign could possibly mean.

As with any creative brainstorm, they start with more familiar concepts of what the giant OKX letters could stand for, with each iteration being brought to life in a fantastical dream sequence involving the name and logo of the brand. The protagonists continue building on one another’s thoughts until they exhaust all plausible possibilities and arrive at the completely absurd.

At this point in the film, a mysterious bystander interrupts their train of thought and explains matter-of-factly that that OKX is “Your new favorite crypto brand” to which the protagonists exclaim, “Crypto, makes sense.”


Despite being the world’s second largest crypto exchange, OKX is relatively unknown outside of Asia. For its introduction to a global market, the brief was to introduce the name OKX to the world in a way that made people remember its name and what it does.

Part of the brief was to include celebrity partner talent – Manchester City FC’s Pep Guardiola, McLaren Racing’s Danny Ricciardo and Olympic snowboard champion Scotty James.

To answer the brief, we needed a way that introduced the brand name, its iconic logo in a way that entertained and stuck in consumer’s minds. The solution was to create a construct where we could repeatedly show the logo, matched to the art direction of individual scenes while mentioning the name and what the three unfamiliar OKX letters could possibly represent.


The video creative received 918 million impressions in key markets worldwide.

The video received a .33% click through rate across mediums.

Cultural Context

By and large, the audience we targeted were males that grew up in the 70’s-90’s. Therefore, the references skewed towards things from their childhood years, from MTV, to sporting franchises, to the filmic references