The Global Warming Series
Advertising Agency
Mexico City, Mexico
Agency / Creative

In the last 8 years, the temperature has risen unprecedentedly. If it continues, by 2050 world temperature will increase 1,5°C. If we don’t stop this by 2030, there will be no turning back.

When we talk about individual actions to face the present and the future, we are not willing to give up our comfort to take care of the only home we’ve got. Clinging on the clothes we wear, the food we eat, or the vehicles we drive produces pure poison for our home.

The world's most important mission is to prevent the Earth from increasing its temperature by 1,5ºC by 2030. Although Mexico implemented government policies and actions to comply with the Paris Agreement, it is one of the countries that suffer the most due to our poor decisions.

"Mexico is warming faster than the global average". It is one of the most vulnerable countries to global warming, both because of its geographical location and its environmental, social, and economic factors.

If comfort is more important than our planet, then we will show what discomfort will look like.

Introducing “Global Warming Series”, a special collection to survive a hostile and unexplorable world. Clothes were designed with special features to face extreme climates forecast by 2050.

Based on Artificial Intelligence mathematical calculations that predicted air quality, temperature, radiation intensity, and tidal behavior, we designed clothing with technologies and gadgets that matched the environment.

When we obtained a highly impactful product, we launched it with an unusual message: "We hope we never have to launch this collection". With this clear idea in our digital and media channels, people wanted to know more.

To take action, we first need to know we are in danger. “Fear is mobilizing”. Last year, data revealed that, worldwide, people “are not willing to give up their comfort and convenience to be more sustainable”.

With this hopeless news, we understood that, before inviting to action, it was important to put society in a context of danger. How? By attacking what they love the most: their comfortable everyday life.

Is there something more daily than the clothes we wear? Science can picture the future in the next 30 years, but no one talks about how we should dress for that world.

Climate change threatens people's lives and health. According to the WHO, climate change could cause between 2030 and 2050, about 250,000 additional deaths due to malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, heat stroke, and heat stress.

This is not only a threat to people's health, but directly to Human Rights: to health, to life, to food, to self-determination, to water, and to decent housing.

The effects of climate change are hitting Mexico. In recent years, it has become one of the main countries where temperatures have increased, and the consequences are already a daily reality: melting ice on top of volcanoes, such as El Pico de Orizaba; more frequent floods and at the same time, more extended periods of drought; the arrival of "seasons" of sargassum on the beaches of Quintana Roo alarm Mexicans.

The mission was to create an impactful experience, so not only the designs were disturbing, but so was the experience of immersing the audience in a website and the Metaverse where they could have a first approach to the extreme weather we are heading to on our own without anyone forcing us to do so.

Climate change threatens people's lives and health. According to the WHO, climate change could cause between 2030 and 2050, about 250,000 additional deaths due to malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, heat stroke, and heat stress.

This is not only a threat to people's health, but directly to Human Rights: to health, to life, to food, to self-determination, to water, and to decent housing.

The effects of climate change are hitting Mexico. In recent years, it has become one of the main countries where temperatures have increased, and the consequences are already a daily reality: melting ice on top of volcanoes, such as El Pico de Orizaba; more frequent floods and at the same time, more extended periods of drought; the arrival of "seasons" of sargassum on the beaches of Quintana Roo alarm Mexicans.

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