Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game.
Advertising Agency
Hamburg, Germany
Agency / Creative
Music / Sound

With "Blackout at Mount Earverest" we transform something boring and unpopular like a hearing test into an immersive and entertaining gaming experience. For most computer games, the sense of sight is the most important to master the game. Our game challenges mainly the gamer's sense of hearing and is a gamification of the three most common hearing tests - stereo audiometry, speech audiometry and sound audiometry.

The test sounds were designed with the help of sound designers and audiologists to feel like a natural element of the game world (e.g. the noise in speech audiometry is a waterfall) while ensuring a reliable test result.

Shortly after the player's arrival in our world, the lights go out and the rabbit HEARbert greets the player and asks for help. He explains that the player must rely on his hearing to get to the top of Mount Earverest and turn the lights back on.

In addition to HEARbert, players also meet HEARnanda and HEARmione, who explain the various levels and embed them in the story.

While playing the game the kids not only check their hearing, but also experience how important it is for the things they love. By turning a hearing test into a computer game on a popular gaming platform while raising awareness for teen hearing health, and Audibene position themselves as modern brands in the hearing care space.

We bring the topic of hearing problems to where the young people are: Our game is aimed at 13- to 16-year-old players. Especially in this age group, young people have more important things to do than take care of their hearing. That's why we address them where they spend their time: On ROBLOX! A game platform, 67.3 million active players spend more than 4.6 billion hours every month!

In a study, the World Health Organization (WHO) says the hearing of one billion young people is at risk from unhealthy listening habits and noisy environments.

This could have strong effects on their development: Adolescents who suffer from hearing loss are not only disadvantaged at school. They react with insecurity, social withdrawal and dwindling self-confidence. They find it harder to make friends and pursue interests.

The earlier you detect hearing problems, the better you can treat them. And with a little luck, even stop them. But hearing disorders often go unnoticed. Friends and free time are more important to teenagers than having their hearing checked, so the latest hearing test often took place when they were babies.

„Blackout at Mt. Earverest“ received more than 17 Million Impressions during the first week while an average of 8 Minutes was spent on the game.Jump ’n’ Hear – A Roblox Hearing Game."