DC Super Hero Girls is a popular animated franchise that first found a devoted audience as a web-series and has recently been rebooted as an animated show on Cartoon Network. Featuring Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Supergirl, Green Lantern, and Zatanna, not to mention other popular characters from the DC universe, these teenage supers have to balance their lives as crime-fighters and as normal high-school students trying to figure out their place in the research about its viewers.
The Woo and Warner Bros. crafted a campaign built upon a deep belief in empowering young girls and their families through entertaining, positive content. Featuring three videos of young girls heroically facing everyday situations, they created moments that would appeal to both kids and their parents. And appeal they did - with the spots quickly achieving millions of views.
Knowing that what they did behind the scenes should reflect the message being shared, Warner Bros. and The Woo put together a largely female team to bring this vision to life. This included Warner Bros.’s internal staff, The Woo’s executive creative director and associate creative director-eriter, along with the director, editor, producer, director of photography, production designer, and the entire cast.
“Empowering a younger generation of girls is not about changing perceptions. It’s about taking ownership of the transformative, powerful qualities our audience shares with the DC Super Hero Girls. When we exert the power to be strong, empathetic or helpful, the world is a better place and anything is possible,” says The Woo executive creative director Valerie Moizel.