
Bland Book.

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Agency / Creative

How do you show how feeble and scared marketing departments all over the world actually are?

Copy Chief Vikki Ross and our very own Paul Mellor & Grace State joined forces. The result is the answer to every single branding brief. To always go unnoticed, why stand out when you were born to fit in, and ensuring everything is clear, human & honest. We had an avalanche of love from strangers enjoying the satire.

Fame: 10 industry trade mag’s covered the Bland Book in 2019, and there’s more Bland coming in 2020.

View the blandest of Bland Books here.

Feel free to download and share, but please credit the authors.
About Mellor&Smith

Famous brands sell more, more often to more people. We* make brands burn brighter than ever before.

Have you ever been so effective that you sold out of everything? Our clients have. Bare shelves, supply chains unable to keep up, businesses doubling in the blink of an eye and demand outstripping supply. Good problems to have. All because we made them famous.

The fact is, 89% of the work out there is ignored.

Guff. Vanilla. Wallpaper. Bland. Meaningless.

Treating the public with contempt.

If you want fame, you need to: start a fire, break the rules, jump off the deep-end, rock the boat, stick your neck out, trust your gut, get uncomfortable, turn it up to 11.

You have to want to get noticed.

Strike a match, light the catalyst, watch it burn brighter than ever. Fame.

* That's Mellor&Smith, not the royal 'we'.

And remember take our Fame-o-Meter here. Discover how famous your brand is, and could be.