Creative in association withGear Seven

TikTok Celebrate the #WomenOfTikTok on International Women’s Day

Production Agency
London, UK
AKQA Amsterdam taps LEAP to deliver global campaign with local resonance

Every day, trailblazing women of TikTok are speaking their truth, breaking down barriers and bringing all sorts of people together. For International Women’s Day 2022, LEAP helped TikTok and their creative agency AKQA Amsterdam bring that message to a global audience through transcreation, localisation and versioning.

Building Community

The majority of users and creators on TikTok are women. This makes International Women’s Day a key moment for celebration and brand growth. Campaign content shows TikTok trailblazers challenging stereotypes of gender, race, religion, and disability. Messaging encourages users to find diverse, inspiring women on TikTok. To enable the campaign to resonate with local audiences across global markets, AKQA Amsterdam enlisted LEAP’s integrated production teams.

Elevating Authentic Voices

TikTok users want to hear from real women; they value honesty over commercialisation. Finding the right words and international voices to represent the brand was crucial to achieving campaign effectiveness.

LEAP’s transcreation account managers leveraged their global network of local market experts to provide translations and transcreation for scripts and on-screen text in Spanish, Italian, French, Arabic and German. They factored in nuances of audience, platform, culture, and language to maximise appeal for TikTok’s core GenZ markets worldwide.

LEAP also handled casting, recording and audio mix sessions. They selected women in local markets who would communicate the brand message with confidence, energy and authenticity to a diverse audience within each local market. LEAP provided in-market voiceover directors overseen by transcreation account managers to keep sessions running smoothly was well as ensure accuracy and cross-market consistency.

Bringing Creative to Life

In conjunction with the Language and Culture team, LEAP’s Film and Post team worked closely with the ad agency’s designers and producers to online edit the master creative as well as localise the videos for five language markets. LEAP’s Digital Studio produced multiple banner formats for eight languages including Arabic, Turkish and Urdu.

LEAP’s collaborative and agile approach enabled complete control over the production and versioning process. Facilitating client liaison and sign off helped AKQA Amsterdam consolidate their relationship with TikTok. Moreover, it allowed for a fast and flexible response to the unexpected creative and media plan changes prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. LEAP was able to quickly turnaround amends necessary for brand safety.

#WomenOfTikTok launched on International Women’s Day 2022, showcasing the platform as an inclusive, welcoming space that allows women to be their authentic selves. LEAP was proud to help deliver a powerful global campaign with local resonance.

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX