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OWNED Member Spotlight: 360FX

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
Antonella Scoliero, executive producer at Italian tabletop studio 360FX, continues this showcase series of insights from women-owned businesses

OWNED is a global coalition of women-owned creator companies operating in the advertising production industry working together to help women thrive. We are an initiative of global inclusion, supporting, championing and mentoring women in commercial production. A platform where owners can come together to support, share, collaborate and promote each other, leading the way for the next generation of women owners. 

We want a body of WOMEN who OWN a piece of this world to join our initiative.

In this interview series, we showcase companies in our coalition.

Our spotlight for this week takes us to Italy. Neighbouring countries enjoy more progressive attitudes, yet Italy is left trailing far behind. The country remains so steeped in patriarchy that it begs the question – how to move that needle and shift this lagging archaic mindset? 

It’s a no brainer. For starters, it takes the pure gumption and courage of women like Antonella Scoliero of 360FX to fight the status quo – and she does so, not so quietly. We applaud her resilience as she uses her voice to champion equality. She is a prime example of what parity by virtue of merit looks like and rightly so; she’s established one of the top tabletop companies in Milan, a highly competitive speciality field and this in spite of resistance from the ‘boys club’. We need to find more ways to support her and other women in their community. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Antonella, always there is #strengthincommunity.

As a creator company in our industry, what is the value of a female-owned perspective? 

Antonella> As a female-owned company, at 360FX we take diversity and inclusion very seriously. We are aware of the struggles women go through in an industry that is predominantly based on the male perspective, not only in the highly paid and creative jobs, but even more so amongst crew members. For this very reason, we are motivated to create opportunities for young women in more male-based departments. Anyone can learn a new skill if they’re willing to put in the work, irrespective of gender. 

Part of OWNED's role is to shape a more equitable and balanced industry, how would you like to see this happening?

Antonella> I would like to see more women in charge of production companies, in the camera or grip and electrical department, directing more media, in the writer's rooms, and everywhere they should and can be. 

Women are a force of nature, resilient, and it’s time they finally show their value. 

Are there learnings from your own journey that have bettered your leadership? 

Antonella> I have a few rules where I’m very determined and hold steadfast. I feel the traits of reliability and credibility are paramount, both of which I’ve learned from my long journey. I try to pass the importance of these key values onto my producers.

What obstacles have you experienced that inhibit your company's opportunities and visibility in the industry?

Antonella> Being a woman in this field is not easy, in particular in Italy. All the tabletop studios are in men's hands, and I’m the only woman who heads such a structure/company. My competitors are all and only men!

Do you have any landmark moments as a female business owner that you'd like to share?

Antonella> The big challenge was to win over the big brands - such Unilever - Ferrero - Nestlé – etc. I've worked hard to gain credibility with these clients and am very proud of what I’ve accomplished in the male-dominated (and resistant) local industry.

What has your professional journey been like?

Antonella> My career began as a young account manager in an agency. After a few years I joined a production company, first as an assistant producer and after gaining experience, I became a producer. After 10 years, I escalated to the role of an executive producer. With motherhood, I wanted a ‘quieter’ job and so established the company / studio of 360FX. 

What inspires you?

Antonalla> I love to travel and I knew that producers are often given opportunities to travel the world. I also enjoy the dynamic nature of the advertising industry.

What advice do you wish you were given?

Antonella> Girls/women be strong and walk straight and on your own two feet, never look back. This is all the advice that I needed from my mother.

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