Academy's Martin De Thurah has directed a powerful spot for Mothers to Mothers that brings home the devastating ordeals faced by HIV positive mothers in Africa.
The powerful creative comes from BBH, who have relocated a seemingly distant problem to the developed world, as a pregnant woman suffers a fate experienced by thousands.
Client: Mothers to Mothers
Title: A World Apart
Production: A+ / Academy Films
Director: Martin De Thurah
Producer: Dom Thomas
DOP: Lasse Frank
Edit: MIkkel E. G. Nielsen with Chris Mitchell @ RockPaperScissors, NYC
TK: Fergus McCall @ Mill NYC
Post: Colette Boyle @ Mill LDN
Music: Pilou (Pierre-Philippe Côté)
Agency: BBH
Creatives: Shelley Smoler & Raph Basckin
Exec. Creative Director: John Hegarty
Agency Producer: Michelle Kendrick