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Luca Vergano Joins Clemenger BBDO Melbourne in Planning Director Role

Creative Agency
Melbourne, Australia
Vergano joins Clemenger BBDO Melbourne from R/GA Singapore
Clemenger BBDO Melbourne has appointed Luca Vergano to the role of planning director across the agency's Carlton United Breweries and MARS Petcare accounts.

Vergano joins Clemenger BBDO Melbourne from R/GA Singapore where he was the strategic lead across Google, Uber, Ikea, Nikon and Unilever.

Prior to R/GA, Vergano held senior strategy roles in a number of markets, including stints at TBWA Singapore, Leo Burnett Hong Kong, TBWA Paris and Italy. On top of his vast agency experience, Vergano also co-founded OVOLAB - a software house for the development of OS- based products where he was responsible for forming insights to develop the products and services."

Says Paul Rees-Jones, executive planning director, Clemenger BBDO Melbourne: "We have in Luca someone with a rich history working across some remarkable organisational cultures in fascinating and challenging markets. This certainly comes through in the work he's been part of and we can't wait to apply such an innovative mindset to the challenges our clients are facing into."

Says Vergano: "I'm really excited to join Clemenger BBDO Melbourne - it's a tremendous opportunity given the agency's incredible level of strategic thinking and creative craft. After six years of working in Asia and being exposed to unique consumer experiences, digital ecosystems, and cultural differences, I'm looking forward to applying such experiences to the team and making great work."