High Five in association withThe Immortal Awards

High Five: French Projects That Will Make You Envious

Advertising Agency
Paris, France
Executive creative directors at Herezie, Etienne Renaux and Paul Marty, share five recent French projects they wish they'd been part of

Digital. Film. Stunt. Print. Start-up - through this selection, we tried to be as representative as possible of the best French ideas of these last months, and of course we are jealous of all these great ideas...

UNESCO - 'The Cookie Factory'

Agency: DDB Paris
Production: makemepulse
Post: Mikros Image
Music: Universal

Probably one of the best French ideas of the year. It has all the ingredients of an excellent campaign, namely:

- the context: RGPD law, concerns about the management of our personal data. Users can really learn a lot about how their cookies are used, and 'The Cookie Factory' can show them the impact that has on their daily internet usage. Even those who think they know are still liable to be surprised.
- the craft: the 'memesque' artistic direction is perfectly mastered
- the impact: a campaign seen and shared thousands of times
- the experience: you could spend hours inventing new characters to see the immediate effects

In short, bravo!

Distance - 'Outlaw Runners'

Agency: BETC Paris
Production: Soldats

We like the political 'thumb your nose' at the city of Paris aspect, which had just lowered the speed limits from 50 to 30km/h, aspect of this campaign. It's a genius way to use a timely topic to promote an athletic brand. Beyond that, the prowess of production and craft in tight deadlines to keep in time with the news should be highlighted because it’s rather well produced, which makes it a remarkable PR stunt.


We’ve heard a lot about NFTs these last few months, but a lot of what’s being said is just empty talk. Sorare, one of the last big French unicorns, is one of the first platforms that gives a real meaning to NFTs. For the first time, it's not only the collectable aspect that is put forward, but also the gameplay. You can play with your NFTs, earn others, connect with other players etc. It gives NFTs a new dimension and new meaning - and it's a French idea, so it's worth a high five!

Association Valentin Haüy - 'Lol for Blind'

Agency: We Are Social

We really like this idea, not to mention the cause it defends. Because yes, it's crazy to think nothing had been put in place to make internet humour accessible to everyone. It’s such a huge part of our lives and conversations now, and it’s a shame there are those who miss out. The execution is also quite fresh, it's the first time we see an idea that plays on audio description. In fact, this is the type of idea that - if done by an American agency with big names - would win big. But France is a small country, and we do what we can with the means we have we to give each other support, so bravo to our friends at we are social and +1 for the film, and the way they adapted the captcha in real life.

SNCF - 'Hexagonal'

Agency: Publicis Conseil
Production: IC
Post: Prodigious

There are many things to say about this film. First of all, we have to talk about the context: train operator SNCF is a brand that has lost a lot of its splendour over the years, and is now routinely criticised. That’s what makes the end in particular so great. 'Carré' in French is more than a shape, it describes something or someone who is exact, disciplined, organised. France is often referred to as 'The Hexagon' because of its shape so by claiming that, SNCF is acknowledging they’re not perfect, but they are, undoubtedly, French. High five to the copywriters! Secondly, it’s the kind of film that exceeds its initial objective. We doubt that the agency, Publicis Conseil, and SNCF, had anticipated such positive spin-offs - more than a successful B2C exercise, it clearly had an internal impact on employees, as evidenced by the countless proud comments posted on social networks.

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