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Fridtjof Vieth and Chiara Grabmayr Join LIA in Las Vegas for Creative LIAisons 2017

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ADC Germany junior competition winners receive trips to LIA's creative LIAsons event
Wayne Youkhana, London International Awards VP/Judging Director, presented the Art Directors Club für Deutschland Junior winners, Chiara Grabmayr and Fridtjof Vieth, with a trip to Las Vegas for the 6th Annual LIA Creative LIAisons program.

“Once again I had the honor of presenting two incredibly talented people from the ADC Germany Junior Competition with trips to LIA’s educational and inspiring Creative LIAisons program,” said Youkhana. “LIA is very proud to annually collaborate with the ADC Germany to award these trips to Creative LIAisons to help nurture and champion the next generation of creative talent within this industry.” 

Elke Klinkhammer, Chief Creative Officer, McCann Worldgroup Germany said, “I had the pleasure to be the Chairwomen for the ADC Junior Competition 2017. Together with a dedicated group of jurors, that represented the different categories in the Junior Competition, we discussed the most amazing and outstanding junior work. No doubt, one of the pieces that over shined the competition was ‘Moonjourney’ from Chiara Grabmayr, which was awarded the Grand Prix for student work.” 

“Moonjourney” is a documentary about refugees but instead of showing the full drama like most documentaries do, the film tells a story from a child’s perspective in an almost romantic way, therefore amplifying the atmosphere of brutal reality. Neither the jury nor the audience at the ADC Award Show could escape from the intensity of the film. Chiara Grabmayr is a Director. She studied Digital TV at the University for applied Sciences in Salzburg and is currently studying at the University for TV and Film (HFF) in Munich. Her work has been recognized by several new blood competitions.

"I am uber happy to have won the Junior Grand Prix at ADC Germany. Kudos to my team!” was Chiara Grabmayr’s response to her win. “On top of that it is an amazing opportunity to be chosen to join LIA Las Vegas. Super exciting! I am really looking forward to being in Las Vegas and having the chance to meet other creatives from America and around the world."

Klinkhammer announced, “Grand Prix for Rookie of the Year was given to Fridtjof Vieth, from the agency Kolle Rebbe for Netflix Narcos – Die Jagd auf Pablo (Chasing Pablo). Netflix Narcos is a Social Media event – a live challenge empowered by four gaming influencers that collaborated with users on their mission to chase Pablo Escobar. Not everything was scripted. The concept was captivating and engaging over 90 minutes. The format of a live show on Twitch was designed for a very specific audience and reached the target. Fans loved it. The Jury did too.”

Fridtjof Vieth is a Junior Copywriter at Kolle Rebbe in Hamburg. He studied at Texterschmiede Hamburg and has already won awards for his work. Kolle Rebbe is an independent Agency based in Hamburg and one of the top places for creativity.

On attending LIA’s Creative LIAisons program Fridtjof Vieth, stated, “A trip to Vegas is expensive – a trip to Creative LIAisons is priceless! I’m very excited to be part of the program and to witness the most creative minds judge the most creative work.”

Creative LIAisons is for young talent, between the ages of 21 and 30, from around the world, and is funded by LIA as a way to support and give back to the industry. This annual program runs simultaneously with LIA’s judging at Encore Las Vegas, giving the attendees exclusive access to all of LIA’s jury members and speakers, which they would otherwise have little or no opportunity to mingle with in a professional or social environment.  During the program, the attendees are privileged to sit in on the statue deliberations – an experience no other award show offers. This has been described by many of the Creative LIAisons’ alumni as priceless.

Chiara Grabmayr & Wayne Youkhana

To see more information on Creative LIAisons visit the LIA website at: 

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