UNESCO & Play Magnus AS - #MoveForEquality
Advertising Agency
Düsseldorf, Germany
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

Chess’ first rule is: white always starts. So, why don’t we break this rule to send a
message to the world?
UNESCO ICCAR requested a campaign to engage people on the on-going and far-to-beover
fight against inequality.
So, they recruited chess influencers Magnus Carlsen and Anish Giri to do a symbolic
game with one rule broken: instead of starting with white, they started with black.
It all happened on March 21st, the day for the elimination of racial discrimination.
It all started on Carlsen’s and Giri’s Social Media. They posted a video featuring them
playing a game with the rule broken and treating chess as a metaphor for life.
Enough to generate plenty of discussion under the hashtag #moveforequality on social
Users found more information on, while also on PlayMagnus,
one of the biggest chess apps, users around the world could play with black starting. A
12-hour live stream featured other professional players competing with random users
with black starting.
Inspired by the message and engaged by the subject, more and more people on
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and international media shared our message.
Within 24 hours the posts already gathered over one thousand shares. Increased by
reporting of international media.