History is Calling
Advertising Agency
Sydney, Australia
Agency / Creative
Production Service
Music / Sound
The Brief 

Australia’s Indigenous peoples have been around for over 60,000 years, yet they still don’t have a constitutionally recognized say on matters that affect them.  
For 5 years, the Uluru Statement the Heart – a statement written by Indigenous community leaders on behalf of Indigenous people – has been asking for an enshrined Voice to Parliament.  
Because a Voice to Parliament will give Indigenous Australians a power no future government can take away. 
The Uluru Statement Heart organisation needed to create an awareness campaign to ensure Australians knew what a Voice meant, and how they could help ensure its success.  
The Creative Idea 
History is Calling – a powerful campaign to shape Australia’s future. 
We collaborated with the Uluru Dialogue to create ‘History is Calling’, a campaign encouraging Australians to vote yes for a Voice.  An arresting pre-election street poster campaign drove awareness. The campaign branding drew on symbolism from the Aboriginal flag, combining it with a contemporary palette that symbolized a new dawn, and bold protest poster typography. Headlines like ‘Silence Never Made History’ spoke directly to the power the public had in using their own voices. 

‘History is calling’ told all Australians they could be part of a once-in-a-generation moment to shape Australia for the better. 

Then the new Australian PM Anthony Albanese used his inaugural speech to announce a forthcoming referendum: a once-in-a-generation event held to change the constitution for good. 
We rallied support for a yes vote by telling a story. Key leaders used our campaign language in the press, helping make a complex issue quick to understand. The nation then shared our messaging on social far and, a used our interactive resource to learn the truth about our history, while also shaping it. 
Thanks to our campaign, polling shows 65% of Australians intend to vote “Yes” in the referendum – achieving the clear majority of votes we need for a First Nations Voice to Parliament. 
The online videos have had over 25+ million impressions, (same as Australia’s whole population) social videos over 5+ million impressions, social stickers over half a million views and website traffic is up 450%. 
But we’re not stopping there.  
The Uluru Statement from the Heart’s platform will continue to empower Aussies to support a Voice. 
Vote yes. Support a voice to Parliament at