Adidas & Parley for the Oceans - Run For The Oceans
Production Company
Los Angeles, USA
Agency / Creative
About the Parley Organization: Parley for the Oceans is a creative collaboration space where creators, thinkers and leaders come together to raise awareness for the beauty and fragility of our oceans and to stop their destruction. 

We believe the power for change lies in the hands of the consumer – given he has a choice – and the power to shape this new consumer mindset lies in the hands of the creative industries.

No one wakes up in the morning and sets out to destroy the oceans, but somehow through our everyday choices, we all contribute to the destruction. One of the biggest threats to the health and stability of our life support system is a design flaw introduced about 65 years ago: plastic. Plastic never biodegrades, it never goes away. It's polluting the oceans, killing sea life, entering the food web, and poisoning our own bodies and bloodstreams. The oceans give us life. In return, we give them plastic. We can turn this around.

Psyop Director Marco Spier: "This project is very close to my heart. I got involved with Parley for the Oceans from the beginning. We met Paul Watson, the Sea Shepherd, and after he told us about the state of the oceans we felt like we needed to take action. He predicted the oceans would be dead by 2048. And if the oceans die, we die. So this is really about survival. 

With Adidas, Parley got a great partner, spreading our ideas to everybody. I’m very thankful for the belief that they have in Parley. We loved the idea that the animation is made out of ocean plastic, but at the same time, we felt like not wasting actual ocean plastic to make advertising. So we were excited to create our virtual yarn, still keeping the tactile quality of the material, but without creating any waste. All we have to do is to hit the delete button…."