Dell Technologies & Intel - I Will Always Be Me
Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

People with motor neurone disease (MND) lose their ability to speak as they battle this terminal and rapidly progressing illness. Voice banking technology allows them to create a digital copy of their voice, so even when they can no longer speak, they can use a computer to talk and sound like themselves.

"I Will Always Be Me" is a story that people with MND can read aloud to bank their voice. Other voice banking platforms ask patients to read random sentences and phrases. We created a story that people can read to their loved ones to share what they are going through. And while they read it, the system seamlessly banks their voice. The story contains all the syllables need to accurately recreate a voice, but it also draws out the emotion of the reader — resulting in a more true-to-life digital voice.