Sea Shepherd Global - Plastic Ocean PSA
Creative Production Studio
New York, USA
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

At a time when mainstream brands are beginning to pay attention to the banning of single use plastic, creative agency Alkemy X has been a force in driving conversation around the issue.


This past spring, the creative brand helped to produce a powerful PSA for Sea Shepherd, an environmental non-profit organization dedicated to protecting marine wildlife.


Drawing attention to the fact that one million animals die each year as a result of plastic pollution, FF New/LA creative boutique agencies founded by Fred & Farid worked with Alkemy X to develop shocking, highly detailed print and motion elements that simulated marine life trapped in a liquid plastic.


The spot takes viewers on an emotional journey. Beginning with elegant, surreal imagery, the spot quickly transitions to the horrifying suffering of a dolphin, sea turtle and shark before delivering a simple, but effective call to action.


All of the creatures in the promotion were modeled and brought to life using Maya animation software before being migrated to VFX program Houdini for the painstaking work of building the "plastic ocean" simulations. Final compositing was done in the digital composting application Nuke. The finishing touch was the haunting score and sound design composed and arranged by Tuesday Collective.


The spot was featured as the top spot of the week and made the publication’s quarterly Top 10 2018 VFX and Animation chart.