Doritos - Wasabi
Advertising Agency
São Paulo, Brazil
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

Doritos was introducing a new, limited edition flavor in the Brazilian market: Doritos Wasabi. A bold move, from a bold brand, was asking for a bold campaign.

We needed to communicate the launch of the new Doritos Wasabi, a flavor that isn’t very popular in Brazil. So, if the flavor itself wouldn’t grab many people’s attention, we needed a campaign that would.

We created an entire campaign 100% in Japanese. No subtitles, no explanation and not a single word in Portuguese. And taking inspiration from Japanese arts and culture, we brought a little Japan to streets across Brazil in the form of meticulously crafted posters.

Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside Japan. Because of this, Japanese pop culture is deeply appreciated in the country. That’s why we used classic references like the Kaiju posters inspired by Godzilla and Ultraman - which were hit shows in Brazil – and the manga poster inspired by Naruto and Dragon Ball – shows that have a legion of fans in the country – and many other easter eggs.