McDonald's - Swimmer
Advertising Agency
London, UK
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX

Value advertising in the UK tends to follow quite a rigid convention; focusing in on the rational - bluntly hammering a message of line and price. Our Saver platform ‘Like Getting Your Money’s Worth’ runs contrary to this convention, eschewing the classic ‘who can shout the loudest’ type retail approach and instead building our campaign around a universal human truth; everyone, rich or poor, likes to get the most for their pennies in life.

The creative execution turns thriftiness into a badge of honour; something to celebrate rather than apologise for. Dramatising everyday scenarios of people unashamedly getting their money’s worth out of something in an exaggerated and humorous way.

In this ad, we see a gang of young swimmers stretch in preparation for their big race. One enthusiastic little swimmer gets some help from her doting mum. Notoriously difficult to stretch onto heads, swimming caps are the bane of most swimmer lives, but mum is here to ensure all hairs are tucked firmly within the cap. As she steps up to the water's edge in anticipation of the race, we find out that the swimmer does not have a swimming cap like the rest of her class, but a Marigold glove fitted firmly onto her head. As spectators stare bewildered, her mum looks on proudly, as the voiceover says "Like getting your money's worth? Then enjoy the new Bacon Double Cheeseburger."