Schlage - Brand Refresh
Advertising Agency
Indianapolis, USA
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX

Schlage, a leading provider of door hardware and home security and access solutions, was in need of a brand refresh as it approached its 100-year anniversary. After conducting audience segmentation research in 2019, it was clear that the existing brand and tagline ("Open Possibilities") was no longer opening doors, as it were.

At the beginning of 2020, Schlage enlisted the help of The Basement to reimagine the brand with a core focus on its consumer segments. The home hardware sector may not seem sexy, every home needs security and every door needs hardware, so our work was cut out for us. We’d need to develop work against the brief of pushing the needle once again in the ever-evolving category of smart homes and home security. 

The objective was to create a fully refreshed brand identity that better aligned with Schlage's segmentation research, which showed that regardless of the customer's need for door hardware (upgrading to smart, moving or changing their style) consumers really wanted a brand they could trust. After nearly a year of discovery, research and exploration - amid a pandemic no less - Schlage launched a brand that puts authenticity and trust at the center of its creative messaging, with a major spotlight on homeowner peace of mind.

What we concepted was a new visual identity and a wide-reaching national campaign - all creative work laddered up to our new tagline: “Trust Your Home to Schlage.” The campaign featured a long list of creative touchpoints, seven broadcast spots; a social strategy spanning Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube; a robust digital display plan; and more. Media plan highlights included Amazon OTT, as well as DIY/home improvement targeting on social, including Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram.

In a perfect example of life imitating art, inspiration was drawn from Kaylee Bonneau, a senior account executive at The Basement via a very real stolen moment in quarantine.  This Instagram Story ( from Kaylee sparked the idea to show a mom hiding from her kids behind a locked door, a moment all too common during last year’s quarantine. 

Schlage's rebrand launched at a time when the pandemic behaviors had shifted consumer spending power so greatly that generally low-interest categories were experiencing a major moment. Schlage, which sits squarely in the home improvement sector, had seen growth from the sudden spike in home improvement as homeowners were increasingly seeking DIY projects and simple, but impactful, upgrades.

Within the first 60 days of the brand launch, Schlage immediately saw an increase in year-over-year sales. With increased sales and positive reviews of Schlage’s refreshed brand identity, we know our work is not over. It is really just beginning. Together, The Basement and Schlage will continue to evolve the refreshed brand this year with an integrated, digital media campaign, keeping the Schlage consumer at the core of it’s focus. 

Media planning and buying is also handled by The Basement. The supporting media buy makes each placement work hard with a laser-focused strategy that is driven by data. Media plan highlights include NFL on Amazon OTT, as well as DIY/home improvement targeting on social, including Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram.

The rebrand comes at a time when pandemic behaviors have shifted consumer spending power so greatly that generally low-interest categories are now experiencing a major moment. Door hardware, which sits squarely in the home improvement sector, is expected to see continued growth as homeowners are increasingly seeking DIY projects and simple, but impactful, upgrades. 

See the Schlage Homepage here: