Hires, Wins & Business in association withLBB Pro

KEEP Launches to Revolutionise IP Contract Management in Creative Industries

London, UK
The new digital platform is the advertising industry's premier solution for ensuring the safety and security of contracts and payments
Pioneering digital platform KEEP has launched with an aim to streamline and secure intellectual property (IP) management within the creative industries. Founded by industry experts, Campbell Beaton and Adam Sargent, KEEP aims to solve the longstanding inefficiencies and risks associated with IP rights, contract management and payments.

As a subscription-based or project fee service, KEEP supports agencies, production companies, and clients engaged in creative projects. The platform – the first of its kind intended to be user-friendly and accessible, offering peace of mind to users by centralising and safeguarding their valuable IP assets and the payments associated with them. 

After meeting on a feature film 10 years ago, the inspiration for the platform arose during the pair’s extensive careers in advertising, film production, and VFX. As executive producers on global commercials, they identified a critical need for a centralised solution to manage the complexities of IP rights across numerous contracts and stakeholders.

COO and founder of KEEP and former film and advertising producer, Campbell Beaton, highlights the industry's persistent challenges he’s faced over the years, “We observed the complicated process of managing IP rights first hand. Contracts scattered across emails, filing cabinets, and cloud drives created a significant risk of losing track of valuable rights and assets as well as not conforming to GDPR. Our platform is designed by industry insiders, for industry insiders, to tackle the complex challenges of IP management head-on. With KEEP, we're empowering creatives to focus on what they do best — creating — and leaving the administrative headaches behind.”

KEEP addresses this challenge head-on with a sophisticated, customisable digital platform that offers users a comprehensive suite of tools to manage, renew, and track contracts effortlessly. Users can receive one invoice for all their campaign rights payments which KEEP’s system splits out usually saving users between 6 - 20%. By consolidating contracts and enabling streamlined processes for IP licensing, KEEP empowers creatives to focus more on their craft and less on administrative hurdles. 

Former Executive producer and now founder and CEO of KEEP, Adam Sargent, emphasises the urgent need for such innovation, “The creative industry moves at lightning speed. Contracts often need constant revision and renewal, making traditional methods obsolete. KEEP is designed to adapt to the industry's pace, providing an agile solution for contract management. We are so excited to finally introduce it to the creative industry.”

Key features of the KEEP platform include:

Digital contract management, allowing users to create, edit, and execute contracts efficiently.
Seamless IP licensing renewal process, reducing the risk of unauthorised use of creative assets.
FCA-compliant payment systems, ensuring secure financial transactions.
Integration with industry-standard legal practices, supported by legal partners such as Sheridans.

Looking to the future, Adam and Campbell envision KEEP as the universal standard for IP management, synonymous with safety and efficiency in the creative industry and ensuring that every participant in the creative process feels secure and protected.

Catch up with Adam and Campbell on the LBB & Friends Beach at Cannes Lions 2024.
Work from KEEP