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DAC Announces Partnership with Non-profit Organisation Renaissance

Advertising Agency
Montreal, Canada
DAC boosts Renaissance’s online presence for a stronger reputation

International media agency, DAC, announces a new partnership with Renaissance, a non-profit organisation dedicated to socio-professional integration and environmental support. Founded in Montreal in 1994 by the directors of the Moisson Montreal food bank, Renaissance is a social economy enterprise whose business model is based on sustainable development.

The aim of this collaboration is to deploy innovative solutions to optimize the Google listings of Renaissance’s 60 or so store locations, including optimization, implementing targeted Google Posts, responding to customer reviews, and applying local organic SEO strategies. These initiatives are designed to enhance Renaissance’s visibility and community involvement, while promoting a positive ecological impact. DAC is proud to contribute to Renaissance’s mission, which resonates deeply with our corporate values. We will also facilitate the application of automation to Renaissance’s benefits, enabling them to do more with less.

This partnership is the fruit of an inspiring encounter between Fanny Mooijekind, general manager of DAC Montréal, and Marie-Claude Masson, director of communications and marketing at Renaissance, during the 'Femmes de tête' events. An initiative created by Fanny Mooijekind and assisted by Elisabeth Starenkyj of Tête chercheuse. This group of women meet quarterly to network, assist each other in their professional lives and stimulate the next generation of female executives.

“The multiplication of digital platforms and the growth of the organisation are forcing us to rethink how we do things in order to become more efficient and agile. The reputation of any organization depends on the voice of others, and it’s vital for Renaissance to be able to maintain the conversation with the community. We immediately saw the added value of the TransparenSee platform, owned by DAC, which will enable us to improve our online visibility, and consequently inspire the community to adopt a more sustainable, more humane mode of consumption. As we look to the future, we’re excited by the possibilities this union could bring.” Marie-Claude Masson, director of communications and marketing at Renaissance.

“Renaissance is a Quebec pillar close to my heart. As someone who was into sustainable development and the circular economy even before it became fashionable – over 25 years ago, discussing marketing issues with Marie-Claude was second nature to me. I know that my team of digital specialists will be able to help them with their digital growth, manage the opinions of the growing clientele that Renaissance attracts and assist them with local SEO. I’m extremely proud to combine my personal interests with my professional expertise.” said Fanny Mooijekind, general manager, DAC Montreal.

Work from DAC Montreal