Creative in association withGear Seven

CESAR Brand Campaign Shows How Easily Your Office Can Go Dog-Friendly

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
A rhino reeks havoc in an office for humorous campaign from BBDO New York

The CESAR brand believes the best life is a shared life, and in 2022 they made a commitment to make the world a more dog-friendly place, starting with the workplace. Many businesses may know the benefits of a dog-friendly office, but they probably think it’s hard to operationalise or don’t know how to start.

To help businesses get started, the brand is launching the 2023 CESAR Workplace Grants Program, powered by the Mars Petcare BETTER CITIES FOR PETS program, designed to help companies make simple changes and welcome dogs into offices, or to further enhance their current dog-friendly offerings.

To get pet parents involved, the brand has also launched a new creative campaign, led by creative agency BBDO New York, built around a totally different animal: the rhino. Social videos show a rhino wreaking havoc on an office to make the point that going dog friendly is no big deal by comparison. The integrated campaign includes custom rhino filters for Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat that allow users to create a video of a rhino in their own office to help spread the word, as well as :06 and :15 videos, and PR and influencer support.

The CESAR brand has also created destinations for both businesses and consumers to learn more about the CESAR brand’s commitment here

Agency / Creative
Music / Sound